HuskyFox is a professional brand identity design consultancy. 
We create and deliver brands that have straight values and experiences. 
What keeps our adventurous spirit and realize newness is our belief facing brands.


Who we are

HuskyFox is a consultancy specialized in brand Design. We build brands by storytelling, art direction, identity design and visual system. We address clear answers and sustain appropriate value and experience.

허스키폭스는 브랜드 디자인 전문 회사입니다. 브랜드 전략과 스토리, 아트디렉션, 아이덴티티 디자인, 비주얼 시스템을 통해 올곧은 가치와 경험을 이야기합니다. 우리는 명확한 답을 찾아내고, 적합한 가치와 경험을 지속시키고 있습니다.

How we work


The success of your business is our goal. We maintain a close partnership with our clients by listening to their voices carefully to understand their goals and consumers. Your success makes us stands out. 

고객의 비즈니스가 성공하는 것이 우리의 첫 번째 목표입니다. 이를 위해 고객과 긴밀한 파트너십을 유지하고, 비즈니스의 목표와 소비자를 이해하기 위해 그들의 목소리를 주의 깊게 듣습니다. 고객이 돋보이는 것이 곧 우리가 돋보이는 것입니다.


We create and transform brands and convey them to specific targets. We find out and identify brand essence based on meticulous observation and analysis. Moreover, we connect this brand essence to the design outcome. The process completes a brand that conveys positive emotion with a coherent voice. 

브랜드를 만들고 전달합니다. 면밀한 관찰과 분석을 기반으로, 브랜드 속성을 파악하고 가치를 찾아냅니다. 그리고 그 맥락을 디자인 결과물까지 연결하여 소비자에게 전달합니다. 이 과정을 통해 일관된 목소리를 내고 긍정적인 감정을 전달하는 브랜드를 완성합니다.


We do not limit the fields or scale of our work. We make brands grow, based on our diverse set of knowledge achieved, by researching various phenomena and environments daily basis.

분야와 규모를 한정짓지 않고 프로젝트를 진행합니다. 늘 여러 환경과 현상에 대해 관심을 갖고 연구하며, 이로 통한 통찰력을 바탕으로 브랜드를 성장시킵니다. 


Good brands convey better experiences to the audience. We build brands to inspire and induce the consumer to give them a sustainable impression.

좋은 브랜드는 소비자에게 더 나은 경험을 전달합니다. 소비자에게 영감을 주고, 행동을 이끌어내고, 지속적인 인상을 남기는 브랜드를 만들고 있습니다.


We seek the balance between analysis and intuition, old and new, freedom and restraint, technology and sensitivity, and function and aesthetics. We believe that new things are born when incompatible values are in harmony. 

분석과 직관, 전통과 새로움, 제한과 자유, 기술과 감성, 기능과 심미성의 조화를 추구합니다. 양립하기 어려운 가치들이 조화를 이룰 때 새로운 것이 탄생한다고 믿습니다.


We do not compromise with just good things. We constantly challenge for the best outcome to achieve another level that no one else can reach. What keeps our adventurous spirit and realize newness is our belief facing brands.

적당히 좋은 것에 만족하지 않습니다. 최고와 최적의 결과물을 만들기 위해 끊임없이 도전합니다. 누구나 할 수 있는 일을 아무도 못하는 경지로 해내는 것이 우리의 목표입니다. 진취적인 태도를 유지하고 새로움을 실현하는 것. 브랜드를 대하는 우리의 신념입니다.

Areas of expertise

Brand Strategy

· Market Research & Analysis
· Brand Audits
· Brand Architecture

· Brand Positioning
· Brand Extension
· Brand Definition

· Brand Monitoring
· Consumer Insight & Trends

· Brand Management
· Brand Advisory

Identity Design

· Creative Direction
· Corporate Identity Design
· Brand Identity Design
· Identity System
· Brandmarks
· Brand Color
· Typeface Design
· Photography
· Brand Motion
· Brand Guidelines

Experience Design

· Printed Matters
· Editorial Design
· Packaging
· Signage System
· Space
· Promotion
· Brand Merchandise

Verbal Branding

· Corporate Naming
· Brand Naming
· Slogan
· Statement
· Taglines
· Brand Voice
· Brand Manifesto
· Storytelling

Graphic Design

· Visual Communication
· Graphic Motif
· Character
· Pattern
· Illustration
· Pictogram
· Poster

Mobile Branding

· Mobile Market Research
· Mobile Strategy
· Mobile Launcher Icon
· Mobile Splash
· Mobile Iconography
· User Interface
· SNS Design

Our partners


Our partners



IF Design Awards: Communication - Winner (2024)
Reddot Design Awards: Brand Design - 2 Winners (2023)
IF Design Awards: Communication - 4 Winners (2023)
Reddot Design Awards: Brand Design - Winner (2022)
IF Design Awards: Communication - Winner (2022)
IDEA: Branding, Packaging - Silver & Finalist (2021)
Reddot Design Awards: Brand Design - 4 Winners (2021)
IF Design Awards: Communication - 4 Winners (2021)
Reddot Design Awards: Brand Design - 5 Winners (2020)
61th Grammy Awards: Best Recording Package - Nominee (2019)

Media & Activity

Article ― Aug 2024, Monthly Design
Article ― Jul 2024, The-Brand Identity
Article ― Apr 2024, Monthly Design
Interview ― [Design Seoul Story] Feb 2024, Seoul Design Foundation
Lecture ― [SHARE X CONFERENCE] Sept 2023, Spigen Hall
Lecture ― [about D] Mar 2023, Monthly DESIGN, DDP
Interview ― Feb 2023, Monthly Design
Publication ― [PALETTE mini 08: Iridescent] Dec 2022, Viction:ary
Interview ― Oct 2022, Seoul Economy
Lecture ― Jun 2022, Yonsei University
Interview ― May 2022, Hanyang University
Publication ― [T/School 2021] Sep 2021, Hong Design
Interview ― [Special K-Pop] Aug 2021, Elle Magazine
Interview ― Apr 2021, Monthly Design
Article ― [Design Press] Feb 2021, Naver
Lecture ― [T/School 2021] Jan 2021, Korean Society of Typography
Article ― Nov 2020, Fonts in Use
Interview ― [Sellev. Designer] Sep 2020, Sellev
Interview ― Sep 2020,  YCK Magazine
Interview ― Jul 2020, Monthly Design
Interview ― [Catchy Korea] Aug 2020, Arirang TV
Interview ― [Plus X Union] Mar 2020, Monthly Design
Interview ― [Union Interview] Jan 2020, Plus X
Lecture ― [Unboxing Seoul] Dec 2019, Seoul Design Foundation
Lecture ― [Contents Creative Concert] Nov 2019, Contents Korea Lab
Lecture ― [Contents Creative Concert] Oct 2019, Contents Korea Lab
Interview ― [CCBB Person] Oct 2019, JobsN
Interview & Press ― [Oh! Creator] Jul 2019, Naver
Lecture ― [Very Goods 2019 with C-Festival] May 2019, Coex
Interview ― Apr 2019, Monthly Design
Article ― Mar 2019, Monthly Design
Interview ― [KBS New 9] Feb 2019, KBS
Interview ― Jan 2019, YTN
Interview ― Jan 2019, Yonhapnews
Article ― Dec 2018, Billboard News
Lecture ― Nov 2019, Hanyang University
Interview ― [IdN Volume 23] Feb 2016, IdN
+82 (0)2 6012 1228
6F, 18, Nonhyeon-ro 152-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

© 2015-2024 HuskyFox Inc.

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© 2015-2024 HuskyFox Inc.
+82 (0)2 6012 1228
6F, 18, Nonhyeon-ro 152-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea